Because of loss of connection. Connection is at the very heart of our ability to be able to withstand times of stress. Humans need a community to feel strong and safe so during times of challenges we can use social engagement to calm ourselves and move through tough times.

So during a pandemic where nobody was allowed to see each other, this innate human behaviour was damaged. Yes, we can connect online but it’s not the same and didn’t have the same effect. Children in particular need to have clear cues that anything new and stressful will be controllable and that they have support to get through it.

The recent pandemic did anything but offer predictability. Kids will look to their parents for a sense that things are ok so in a time when most adults were panicking, stressed and confused by the lack of knowledge of what on earth was going on, our kids would and did pick up on this. Children didn’t understand fully the implications and the fear that was felt by many but they would have felt that fear transfer from the adults around them.

Even the most resilient of children ( and children are not just born resilient) faced scary times and firsthand I know that their mindset was challenged with the constant changing of boundaries and lack of connection with those they loved and yearned to spend time with. Children need to also be around their peers for social engagement so the lack of face-to-face schooling has been detrimental for so many

At Follyfoot we have heard so many stories from parents of kids who are struggling and continues to do so. There appears to be a lack of support for kids and waiting lists for counseling or talking therapy is long. We are offering support for anyone who I struggling. Especially kids as horses are a proven method of helping people and children in particular understand and process their emotions.

We are currently working with several children all of whom need to improve their confidence, self-esteem, and their ability to cremate with other loving beings and understand their emotions. The feedback from parents is always positive and so we know what we do works.

Please share this information with parents who may need support at this time. We also work with adults so are available to help parents navigate and process their emotions after a turbulent year.

The world may be slowly getting back to normal but the impact on mental health will be felt for a while longer.

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